46题、choose two
Examine this command:
Which two statements are true?
A) All DDL statements are logged in to a text file in Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) home.
B) The Alert Log still contains some DDL statements.
C) Some data definition language (DDL) statements are written to the control file.
D) All data definition language (DDL) statements are written to the control file.
E) Some DDL statements are written to a text file in the ADR home.
F) Some DDL statements are written to an XML file in the ADR home.
(解析: 打开 DDL 跟踪后,要通过 adrci 命令的 show log 才能够查看 DDL 日志, sys 用户的 DDL 语句也会被纪录。
adrci> show log
ADR Home = /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/ORCL,在该目录下有个 log 目录,里面有ddl_ORCL.log 文本跟踪日志,同时在 log 目录下的 ddl 目录中有 log.xml 日 志文件。来自3组:1015267481)